
What's The Difference Between Male And Female Serial Killers?

Female serial killers comprise less than 20 percent of all serial killers, according to Psychology Today, and they are very different than their male counterparts. When the general public thinks of female serial killers, they typically think of Aileen Wuornos, arguably the most infamous female serial killer in contemporary times. She was a highway prostitute who shot and killed seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Wuornos had alleged that the victims either raped or attempted to rape her. Multiple documentaries were made about her, in addition to the award-winning 2003 Hollywood blockbuster starring Charlize Theron  Monster . But before Wuornos, most people believed that female serial killers didn’t exist. Not even the FBI. In 1998, according to Psychology Today, a member of the FBI stated outright at a conference that there are no female serial killers, period. Oxygen  conducted an interview with Scott Bonn, a professor of criminology and author of  Why ...

4 Steps to Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is the ability to be aware of your dreams and actively participate in them.  In lucid dreams you are not subject to the normal boundaries of human existence and can experience a whole new amazing plane of existence – imagine being able to fly, to see in vivid detail, to interact with anyone or anything you desire.  There are no limits in this version of your reality. Scientific studies have proven the existence of lucid dreams and have shown that there are effective techniques available to enable almost anyone to access this incredible experience. 1. Remember your dreams Mastering the ability to remember your dreams is an essential step to being able to dream lucidly. You will need a journal to keep by your bed. Anytime that you wake through the night or in the morning first ask yourself if you have been dreaming? Write down anything that comes to mind – write quickly, without worrying about grammar or spelling. By doing this you will help your mind stay in a de...

What Is Spiritual sex?

WHAT IF INSTEAD OF AN OBSTACLE, SEX WAS A PATHWAY TOWARD A SPIRITUAL LIFE? Those of us who have been raised with religious backgrounds have often been taught that sexuality and spirituality are opposing forces, that you cannot be virtuous if you have sex because sex is a “sin” or is “unspiritual.” Prior to dogmatic ideologies, sexuality was respected for thousands of years as a sacred expression of nature’s life force and the mystery of creation. Although I’ve written about the value of sexual Transmutation or sexual abstinence in the past, I want to make it very clear in this article that sex can also work as a catalyst for cultivating spiritual well-being. To lead a spiritual life you need to embrace and respect your sexuality just as much as any other part of your nature. Although sex has been linked to many dirty and “perverse” ideas, the act of lovemaking can truly be something sacred and profound. HOW TO DEAL WITH SEXUAL GUILT AND SHAME sexuality is a taboo topic in our society b...

Which Spiritual Gift is Your Strongest?

There are four Spiritual Gifts or senses and we often all have one that is strongest…. Do you know when something is wrong even before you hear about it?  Are you able to detect when the people around you are feeling upset or lying? Do you get feelings or sensations that you should or shouldn’t do something? This is your intuition and believe it or not, we are all born with it. We are all born with a sixth sense that helps us to understand the unseen world. All it takes is tapping into it and knowing how to use it. Most of us are familiar with our physical senses- sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch but we also have a set of spiritual senses – clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance, that can help us navigate how our intuition functions. Here is how each Spiritual Sense/Gift works: Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing):  the ability to see future life events, auras or premonitions either in the spirit or in the physical world. Strong ability to analyze bo...

13 Signs You Descend From A Fairy Bloodline

While it may probably sound like something that is out of science fiction novel, the notion of fairy bloodlines among the human population comes from the Celtic folklore.  These people believed that there were specific members of their royal family that possessed fairy blood, elevating them to some higher status in the society in which they lived. Not just were they a member of the royal family.They were also tasked with one important job — protecting this unique royal blood for the future of the family, as well as to safeguard the future of the humankind as a whole. As this bloodline continued growing and developing, their story was shared all over the lands. Various cultures, as well as religions, picked up on the folklore surrounding their gift, desiring to marry into the bloodline, also hoping for being blessed by their gift. The fairies, as depicted in ancient Celtic folklore, were very different from the tiny, magical, winged creatures which come to mind today. They coul...

Essay On Reality: Life As A Simulation

Before you read this article, I want to leave a few notes. The article will not, at any time dive into the theory of life being in a computer simulation. The article will not defend the theory, but only use it as a support for a fragmented analysis on reality. I will only use it as a way to better describe my analysis. I personally advise to not relay on any documentaries/books about this subject as I believe it is not done with pure purposes and its unnecessarily exaggerated.  The article will not relay on any extraordinary belief. It is not required from you to believe in anything. Simply read, and contemplate. If needed, use dictionary or contact me for further and more detailed explanation. It is a known and controversial theory, that of our life being simulated on a computer. Being a conspiracy or not, it is a big deal of imagination. There is nothing wrong to think this way. A good attitude towards any theory, belief, dogma, etc, is to look at it as a potential of our minds t...

What are the Benefits of Reading Body Language?

What are the benefits of reading body language? Body language consists of the positions, gestures, and whole body movements we use to share how we are feeling or what we are doing.  Despite what you may see on television or read on the Internet, there is no way to use body language to perfectly understand what another person is saying.  Just think of how difficult and how much fun gesture-based games like  Charades  can be to play.  If reading body language were that simple and easy these games would not be very challenging. Our physical activity may reveal much about what we are doing.  For example, if you could only see a person’s arms as they were steering a moving vehicle you would almost surely understand they were indeed driving.  The motion associated with driving cars and trucks is very standardized due to their design and their control systems.  You would also know someone was swimming through water if you could only see their body m...