What's The Difference Between Male And Female Serial Killers?
Female serial killers comprise less than 20 percent of all serial killers, according to Psychology Today, and they are very different than their male counterparts. When the general public thinks of female serial killers, they typically think of Aileen Wuornos, arguably the most infamous female serial killer in contemporary times. She was a highway prostitute who shot and killed seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Wuornos had alleged that the victims either raped or attempted to rape her. Multiple documentaries were made about her, in addition to the award-winning 2003 Hollywood blockbuster starring Charlize Theron Monster . But before Wuornos, most people believed that female serial killers didn’t exist. Not even the FBI. In 1998, according to Psychology Today, a member of the FBI stated outright at a conference that there are no female serial killers, period. Oxygen conducted an interview with Scott Bonn, a professor of criminology and author of Why ...